AllianceMed RCM Consulting
Revenue Cycle Management is a critical process that ensures the financial well-being of a healthcare organization. AllianceMed’s RCM process consists of an end to end billing solution, powered by a comprehensive growth strategy to optimize revenue. Outsourcing healthcare billing to AllianceMed offers numerous benefits to a healthcare organization. We not only alleviate the pain of internally executing a billing and collections process, we enable healthcare organizations to focus on providing healthcare services while we explore opportunities to increase revenue.
- Handle end to end billing and reimbursement claims
- Streamline patient handling and create awareness regarding insurance benefits
- Analyze billing procedures and medical coding to optimize revenue
- Follow up on overdue payments and insurance claims
- Consult patients on benefit eligibility
General billing and reimbursement claims take place on a regular basis yet there are certain treatment procedures or healthcare services which may be under billed or not billed at all. Similarly, numerous items are not claimed correctly and may reduce the overall remuneration of the healthcare organization. AllianceMed provides client’s the ability to optimize their revenue by analyzing and validating charge entries, medical coding, and reimbursement claims.

AllianceMed’s Revenue optimization strategy
Billing and finances are essential for a healthcare organization yet are not always an area of primary focus. AllianceMed extends the required support to healthcare organizations to optimize revenue by improving the RCM process using the following strategy:
- Increase billings with the existing number of patients
- Increase the number of patients
- Accurate claim validation process
- Patient consultation services
Oversee billing discrepancies
AllieanceMed ensures minimal billing discrepancies
Maximize revenue
AllianceMed will ensure complete billing and revenue maximization
Optimize Reimbursement and claims process
AllianceMed provides reimbursement claims optimization
In and Out-of-network benefits management
We are here to provides claim denial management solutions
Claim denial management
AllianceMed provides complete claim denial management solutions
Complete Billing Cycle Management and optimization
AllianceMed provides Complete Billing Cycle Management and optimization